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Showing posts from December, 2017                         Begin 2018 NEW YEAR                                         by                         setting realistic goals             and focussing on health and fitness                Hundreds of fat diets, weight-loss programs and outright testimonials promise quick and easy weight loss. From drinking honey dipped warm water to celebrity diets, you might want to plan 2018 as your ‘Weight Loss Year’.         However, your weight is a balancing act, and calories are part of that equation. Weight loss comes down to burning more calories that you take in. You can do that by ...                         Begin 2018 NEW YEAR                                         by                         setting realistic goals             and focussing on health and fitness               Hundreds of fat diets, weight-loss programs and outright testimonials promise quick and easy weight loss. From drinking honey dipped warm water to celebrity diets, you might want to plan 2018 as your ‘Weight Loss Year’.         However, your weight is a balancing act, and calories are part of that equation. Weight loss comes down to burning more calories that you take in. You can do that by reducin...