How to Increase Your Testosterone Levels to get muscular body
1. Fat Loss The fatter you are = The less testosterone you'll have because your body fat contains an enzyme called aromatase that turns your manly testosterone into womanly estrogen making your testosterone levels drop so as you lose weight You'll naturally increase your testosterone by 57% with this follow method.
The less fat you have = the more testosterone you'll have because you won't have as much aromatase going around turning your testosterone into estrogen.
Losing fat is so important for higher testosterone that even testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) where a doctor gives you more testosterone would not work for you while you're fat because you're just making more testosterone available to be converted into estrogen by aromatase.
2. Get 8 Hours of Sleep
Mostly You'll have 250% more testosterone when you sleep 8 hours vs. only 4 hours because your body produces the most testosterone when you sleep plus…
- More sleep makes it easier for you tolose fat to further increase your testosterone.
- Bonus tip: Sleep in a 66℉ (19℃) room to burn fat faster
3. Zinc
Zinc is so important for maintaining high testosterone levels that the guys usually lost over 70% of their testosterone without enough zinc but…
- Zinc give guys who really weren't that deficient in zinc a 100% boost in testosterone.
- Zinc is also a natural aromatase inhibitor so it prevents testosterone from being turned into estrogen by making the aromatase enzyme not work.
- Zinc is such a powerful testosterone booster.
Get 20-to-40mg of Zinc per day or more depending on how much you lose sweating from a Zinc Supplement and/or eat foods high in Zinc like oysters (a natural aphrodisiac), liver, seafood, poultry, nuts & seeds.
4. Be More Active
Exercise or being more active is shown to give you 54% more testosterone than a lazy person but to gain as much testosterone as you possibly can from exercising…
- It's proven that HIIT or Intervals boost your testosterone way more than cardio. HIIT is also better at burning fat leading to more testosterone.
- Lifting weights gives you the biggest long term boost of testosterone but you need to do compound exercises like Bench press, Rows & Squats for at least 3 sets of 5-to-15 reps.
- Too much exercise can lower your testosterone but you'd have to do an insane amount of exercise like sprinters, who do more sprinting no need to worry about false claims saying 'cardio lowers your testosterone' UNLESS you're doing marathon like levels of exercise.
5. Vitamin D
Without enough Vitamin D your testosterone decreases and as seen here your testosterone increases by 26% when you get 3000-5000IU of Vitamin D from foods high in Vitamin D, more sun exposure and/or a Vitamin D3 supplement
Warning: Don't get your vitamin D from inorganic dairy products (especially milk) full of xenoestrogens which lowers your testosterone.
6. Stress Less
When you get stressed out your body releases a "stress" hormone called cortisol that shuts down testosterone production.
- Cortisol also makes you gain belly fat and the fatter you are = you'll have more estrogen and less testosterone.
- More sleep, exercise, improving your posture, supplementing with Ashwagandha, Vitamin C & Rhodiola Rosea along with these 100 ways to lower stress are all things you can do to lower stress.
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